Monday, November 19, 2012

Lessons of 2012

I know, I know, it's been a long while since I have linked up with Stasha and joined her Monday Listicles.  I am ashamed I've gone this long without linking up, but sometimes there just isn't enough time for everything I want to do. (Okay, more than just sometimes) But today is a new day!

Today's topic is Lesson's I've Learned in 2012.

There are way more than 10 lessons I have learned in this past year, but for your sake, I'll limit my list to only 10.

1.  Setting a limit of eating out is a MUST
2.  Teaching a young'n the meaning of the word "no" is harder than I thought
3.  Blogging is good for me.  Good for my soul.
4.  How to make stuffed grape leaves (thanks, dad!)
5.  Beginner HTML code (that's right, future geek alert- thanks, hubby)
6.  How to balance a feeding baby in one hand and feed myself with the other
7.  How to smile through tough times because life is short
8.  The Gangnum Style Dance
9.  Sticking to a diet and exercise plan is HARD work
10.  My allergies have somehow gotten worse since I got pregnant

NaBloPoMo November 2012


  1. You can stuff grape leaves? God bless you. I love them.

    1. Yeah! My dad taught me when he was here last! It was fun, very tedious...but VERY yummy! Thanks for the comment love! :)

  2. I totally agree. Blogging is good for the soul. Your blog is super cute. I'll be back. :)

  3. Ooh, stuffed grape leaves! I remember you made a comment on my blog that you were of Greek decent. Such good food (and not that many people can cook it!). And what a balancing act! I think I just didn't eat when I had babies. Actually, I learned a very bad habit to eat too fast, and I still need to unlearn that (my youngest is 8...)

    1. Yes ma'am! I also still have to make these stuffed grape leaves so I can document it and post the recipe to my blog :) They aren't THAT hard to make, just tedious! ;) Thanks for the comment!

  4. As for the word and meaning of "no", she'll learn soon enough to over-use it with you. So much so that you regret teaching her ;). I've found and read that the more you use "yes", the stronger "no" is. Like if you don't want her touch something, then direct her to something else (positive). That way, if she tries to go for the stove, your "NO" will be that much more powerful. And stuffed grape leaves are my FAVORITE! I fell in love with them in high school when my Armenian friend's grandmother made them. Yum. And yay for therapeutic blogging and basic HTML! I had to learn some in college :). Gangham style. Nice. Hope your hormones settle down and your allergies get back in-check.

    1. I'll work on more "yes"s than "no"s ;) Thanks for the tip!

  5. Your number one about limiting eating out is so on target.

    1. Ugh! My husband and I were bad with eating out this year! It was too convenient with a new baby and it kinda became a habit. Definitely not keeping that up! Thanks for the comment!

  6. We eat out WAY too much!

    I've never heard of stuffed grape leaves, but they sound cool.

    Allergies suck.

    1. Eating out is so convenient! It's a love/hate thing!
      Stuffed grape leaves are the bomb! <-- (yes I just went there) lol I plan to make them again maybe next month and blog the recipe. Be on the look out, cause they are SO worth trying!

      And thanks for agreeing with me on the allergies ;)

  7. I agree with Wayne. Eating out is such a money and time suck ha? Yet so nice to do..
    And NO is a tough one. I just stood up and walked all the way to the other room to give something to my son. He did say please ;)

    1. Mainly money for us...I couldn't even tell you how much we spent in the last year just from eating out...we'll be changing this for 2013. And I fear I will have the same challenges with "NO" as you, ;)

  8. I love eating out, but now I try to limit it to doing it with friends or hubby only. With three kids it has gotten expensive...and it's also harder to eat healthy.

    1. I agree! I really only eat OUT with my friends, but my hubby and I order out a lot...much more on the UNhealthy side and oh so expensive! Yikes!

  9. #9 - ABSOLUTELY!! I love it, but some days it is so. much. work. :)

    1. :) you're very right! But you look very fit! I am just beginning a takes longer to make a habit of doing it. :-/ I'm learning!

  10. Oh my. I haven't had stuffed grape leaves in years. Yum.


    1. Well...I suggest you do ;) I plan to make them again and blog the recipe my family uses within the next few weeks :) Come back for the recipe :)

  11. You have learned some great things! HTML code AND grape leaves? Awesome.

    And tonight I just horrified my daughter with my Gangham style dance until I totally nailed that hip kick-out. Then she was impressed. Ha!


    1. Hahaha!! That is funny! I can't wait to embarrass my future tweens with some cool modern dance moves ;)

  12. Gangnum style made me laugh out loud. Thing 2 has it down to a science. I have a great video of him and a friend dancing along with the video. It's the little things in life :D

    1. Really? That's awesome! I hope you blog about it cause I'd like to see it! :)

  13. Replies
    1. :) Thanks for stopping by for a laugh! I'm still learning to perfect the dance ;) hehe!


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