Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Feeling Cold, Wishing Warm

It's been really really chilly here lately!  Getting down in the 20's at night already, and it's not even Winter.  I fear that Winter will be a super cold one this year with lots of snow, since Mother Nature was kind enough last year to only bless us with a few inches.

Since Justin and I got married and went on a once in a OUR lifetime honeymoon to Negril, Jamaica, anytime the cold Winter weather rolls around, I still like to think back to our honeymoon.  Our first vacation as husband and wife (and really the first vacation alone together), we were in newly wedded bliss and had just had the wedding of our dreams, enjoyed the 90-100 degree weather daily (a little TOO hot for our taste, but it was still nice)...and some of the greatest things we had ever experienced together.

Palm Trees...

Clear Water...

White Sands...

Couples Massage...

Dolphin Dance...

Breathtaking Sunsets...

Romantic Dinners...

Yes, this is how I cope with being cold.  I go back to my happy place...the beach :)

NaBloPoMo November 2012


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you :) It was, and I want to go back...like now. #prebaby

  2. Wow, those are gorgeous pictures--you guys AND the scenery! We went to Sandals in the Bahamas, pre-kids, and it was OMG-so-fabulous! I totally relate to this post now, as it is only 30 degrees high today here. How I long for the warm sand between my toes from our beach trip this summer! I love your dolphin shots!

    1. Thanks Sandra! Swimming with dolphins has always been my dream and even though I had an ear infection on our honeymoon (NOT fun), I was not letting that keep me from my bucket list! I would love to check out the Bahamas sometime! Or any place tropical :) We are hoping/wishing/praying that we can plan a beach trip with little A this upcoming summer!


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