Monday, August 6, 2012

Dinner Party Guests

Happy Monday everyone!

Linking up again with Stasha and her Monday Listicles for this week's topic of 10 People Living OR Dead You Would Invite To A Dinner Party.  There are SO MANY people I would love to meet and host a dinner party for, but these are just 10.

I always get nervous when I have people over for dinner!  I'm worried I'll ruin the food I cook, that it will be late getting to the table, that there won't be enough food to eat and I always worry about space to eat.  So 10 people (plus me) would be a pretty hefty dinner party.  But here it goes!  Tonight I'm serving salad and spinach stuffed chicken breasts with wild rice and sweet corn.  Oh and blueberry cheesecake for dessert.   Yummm!

Preheating oven to 350 

By the way THIS time I have plenty of space for people, made plenty of food, and everything came out perfectly and on time.  

1.   My Husband.  He's my "forever date" 

2.   My late Yiayia (grandmother), Angelina

3.   My late Father-In-Law, Ron

4.   Ellen Degeneres

5.   Celine Dion

6.   Will Smith

7.   Billy Joel

8.   Jennifer Aniston 

9.   Walt Disney
10.   Nicholas Sparks

Who would you invite to a dinner party?

Your Friendly Mama,


  1. alot of people said Ellen! Jennifer Aniston is a good one.

    1. I saw that, Kimberly! I love Ellen! She'd have to sit next to me! :)

  2. Yep, I was one of the Ellen fans! Fun list!

    1. Thanks Stacie! I would love to see The Ellen Show in person someday! :) Love her!

  3. Ooh! Will Smith would be a great one. I'm afraid I'd just bore him with Fresh Prince of Bellaire talk. :D Irishman was my number one invite as well. Couldn't have a party without him!

    1. Haha! I love how you refer to your husband as Irishman! :) Will Smith has always been one of my favorite actors! I love everything he's acted in! :) Thanks for stopping by! I'm now following your blog!

  4. I think Ellen would be so great at a dinner party, she's (well, I imagine) easy to talk to, and would bring everyone together!

    1. Thanks Emily, I agree! Ellen is great with everyone!

  5. Will Smith will certainly be a good choice for a dinner date. Love his fun antics.

    1. Thanks Dominique! I've had a celebrity crush on him for as long as I can remember! He would be just fun anywhere! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  6. After I read what is for dinner I had a really hard time concentrating on the guests. Great list. What a fun and interesting group.

    1. Haha! Thanks, Stasha! Next time I make it, I will take pictures and type out a recipe to share :) It's really yummy! Thanks for hosting another Listicle Monday! :o)


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