Friday, July 13, 2012

Sunday Spill- Tomorrow Is Another One

Dr. Seuss is an understandably well known household name in my book. 
 No pun intended.  He was one of a kind genus who has a very down to earth, young at heart view on life.  His quotes always seem to have a deeper meaning.  One that can be interpreted many ways.  This particular quote is short and simple- kinda like me :)

Today was good.  Today was fun.  Tomorrow is another one.
~Dr. Seuss

I like the positive attitude written all over this quote.  Even if I have a "not so good" day or a day that deserves the title "worst day ever" which may be a little dramatic, I always remind myself to be thankful to be alive and to have this bad day, so I can live and learn and appreciate the good days even more!

The cloudy days make the sunny days even brighter.  And sometimes you'll even see a double rainbow if you look hard enough.  :)

Linking up with Sarah for The Sunday Spill!

Little White Whale

Your Friendly Mama,


  1. Beautiful pictures!! Love that double rainbow! :)

    1. Thank You, Jen! It was my first time seeing a double rainbow!

  2. Love how the pictures go from "bad day" to good day. The rainbow is awesome!

    1. Thank you, Kerstin! As I told Jen, it was my first time seeing a double rainbow! Amazing! :)

  3. tomorrow with you and bug is another wonderful one!

  4. How beautiful is that last photo? Simply stunning!

  5. Love this!! Yes, your attitude is lovely and catchy!!

    1. Thank you, Stasha! Gotta keep a positive attitude ya know? :)

  6. Nice rainbow pic! Really, I love all the sky pics. And I love the mentality that the cloudy days make the sunny ones brighter. Take the ups with the downs, right? Thanks for linking Cassie!


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