Thursday, June 14, 2012

8 Months Update

Born in New Jersey- 1983

Moved to California- 1986

Moved to Pennsylvania- 1994

Graduated High School- 2001

Met My Best Friend- 2006

Married My Best Friend- 2010

Became A Mommy- 2011

Have an 8 Month Old- Today

This is my life summary in the blink of an eye.  I'm sure it took you all of 10 seconds to read.  10 seconds is about how fast I feel like it's all gone by, at least since graduating high school.  Becoming a parent has made time fly by even faster!  Ludicrous speed! (For all you "Spaceballs" fans out there).  I know I have so many posts about how shocked I am that I have a daughter, and that she is growing so fast and that time is flying by so fast....but it's TRUE!  It's almost a daily thought in my head.

Annaliese is developing and growing beautifully.  She is such a happy baby and a joy to be around.  So much that our friends and family are convincing us that our next child will be a heathen!  Oh we pray that doesn't happen!  But we won't find that out in another year or so.  Since the weather has been so nice lately, we try to take her out of the house as much as possible.  It's nice to spend family time together and capture pictures of our big girl!

Justin and I have also decided that we aren't going to keep calling our daughter "Anna" for short much anymore.  We gave her a beautiful name for a reason, ya know?  Why shorten it?

So since turning 8 months old, Annaliese has finally had her first experience in a swimming pool!  And she loved it!  She was a little apprehensive at first (we believe because the pool was a tad chilly) but once she got used to it, she quickly became part fish, like her mommy and daddy :)  We look forward to taking her on many swimming trips this summer!

Also here's a few pictures I thought you would enjoy :)

Passed out playing on the floor

Looking pretty for Jessie and Jeff's wedding rehearsal

Hanging out with mommy

Smiling big!

My Mother's Day gift in honor of Annaliese (and future children)

Here's a little video I made (experimenting with a video app on my iphone, of course).  ADDICTED!

Playing with our blocks

Smiling so hard, her eyes went squinty!

So serious....

Smiles for daddy!

Sleepy baby beauty

Our new hang out spot!  Haha!

And lastly, here's a few pictures that I edited using different apps from, again, my lovely iphone. :)

This weekend we are traveling up to New Jersey to visit Papou and Nana for their birthday's, Uncle Alex's birthday, and daddy's first Father's Day!  It will be a very exciting weekend and there will be lots of pics to share with you all later.  :)


  1. I love her name and agree that you shouldn't shorten it if it doesn't "fit." I honestly thought I would call Jackson Jack often but it doesn't fit him really at all.

    1. Thank you! I think that "Anna" does fit, but it's just such a bland name compared to Annaliese and we love that name (which is why we chose it) and think it's too pretty to shorten for all her life. If she wants to later, that's fine :) I like Jackson better than Jack myself ;)


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