March Photo A Day
As you all know, a new month of March has begun! That is unless you're still in hibernation from February. I love March because it's the month that Spring begins and more importantly one more month until my birthday. Ha! Lately on Facebook and Twitter I am seeing more and more people participate in the Photo A Day Challenge by #FatMumSlim, even some celebrities. It's fun and I enjoy it! I began the Photo A Day Challenge in February on my other blog ( but quickly realized that doing one post a day for a picture was not only time consuming in addition to trying to blog, but it also made the posts hard to find. I blogged about half of February and just posted the rest on twitter. I have decided to pretty much not be original and copy my buddy Lyndsey's way of doing things and will split the pictures up in halves by month. So as I'm taking daily pictures and doing this challenge, stay tuned around the middle and end of the month to see what I have captured. I would also suggest taking part in the challenge if you have a camera because it is a lot of fun!
Do you like to explore the photographer in you? What do you like to take pictures of? Would you join me and millions of others and participate in the Photo A Day Challenge?
TTFN-Ta Ta For Now!
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