Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Annaliese and Her Pumpkin Party

I know many of you have been wondering where the heck I have been and where the heck are the party pictures from 3 weeks ago.  Oooops!

Well truth be told, the three of us have pretty much just passed around being sick.  Justin came home from work on Friday (Oct 12- before the party), saying that he was going to urgent care because he was pretty sure he had an ear infection.  Well he was right.  They sent him home with an ear drop antibiotic.  He was in bad pain the whole weekend, but was a trooper and still put on a happy face for his little girl's birthday party.  Then it was Annaliese who wasn't feeling well on the day of her own party.  Insert collective "awww" here.  She was teething (when are they NOT teething?!) and very congested.  No fever, just slightly miserable.  She was also a trooper and loved her party (and her cake!).  Then most recently I've not been feeling well.  I thought it was just really had allergies, which isn't uncommon at all for me, but when I started feeling worse, I went to the doctor and confirmed I had a sinus infection.  I've been on antibiotics since Monday and have been living on soup and hot tea.  Only since Thursday have I started to feel better enough to do dishes, laundry and actually put on make up (yeah it's been that bad).  

So that brings me to now.  I have missed blogging!  I have missed reading blogs, commenting on blogs, linking up with bloggers! ...I feel like I've missed SO MUCH lately.

I'm still working on getting some more pictures from the party from our guests, since Justin and I were pretty busy, needless to say.
So without further ado, here's some party pics!

Loved these invitations from Tiny Prints

Uncle Ashley and Aunt Jenn
 These kids did a really great job on painting their pumpkins!!  Justin and I were impressed!

My dad and step mom catered for us!  THANK YOU!

Yummy food!  Happy guests! :)

She was chasing me in the kitchen!  Having so much fun!

Ready to enjoy her pumpkin cake

Mommy helped her get past the icing

Being proper and using an eating utensil

Cake aftermath

Birthday girl with mom and dad

Awesome shoes made by Aunt Jenn!

Balloon Basketball
Evan, Emily and Adrian painting their pumpkins

A happy Baya

Baya painting her pumpkin

Sam helping Baya with her pumpkin

Emily and standing proud next to her pumpkin

Fawn helping Connor with his pumpkin

The gift table

1 Year Polka Dot Pumpkin T-Shirt made by Sweet Pea Ala Mode

Reading one of her many new books!

Showing Grandma her new book

Sorry these are a little out of order...I just want to get this post up!  :)

Annaliese had a great time at her party with all of her friends and most of her family! :)  She was able to get in a morning nap prior to the party which helped, but after her long day...she crashed in her MaMaw's arms.

Annaliese cuddling with MaMaw Elaine

Justin and I can't believe we have a one year old!

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!


  1. So happy to see these pics, Cassie! Wow, what a great party! I love the cake aftermath pic, and her adorable shoes! Looks like she had so much fun (as well as all the guest), and she was one pooped birthday girl at the end. Don't blame you for some time off--I'm always wiped after a big party! Sorry to hear you guys were under the weather. Hope all is better, and welcome back to blogging! Now I'm wiped from Halloween, so I understand! :)

    1. Haha! Thank you! I apologize for the delay, but better late than never, right? :)

  2. Looks like a very successful bday party. Hope everyone is feeling better! And great activity with all the kids painting pumpkins. Glad you provided the trash bags/aprons!

    1. Thank you, Lisa! I know if I attended a "painting party" with my kids, I'd want their clothes to be protected, so I tried to be thoughtful at least. And we're all feeling much better, thank you! :)


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