Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Walking Hard

Annaliese has found her courage, she is willingly peeling herself from the furniture and excitedly walking towards mommy and daddy!  Although now she just has to learn to slow down.  This girl is RUNNING!

No babies were harmed in the making of this video.  Had I not been taping, I would've been there to catch her fall, but instead she learned a lesson from it (hopefully).  Running - stopping = face plant.

My baby is walking!!!! AHHHH!!! 


  1. So cute! I love first little steps <3

    1. Thanks Erin! She took a little spill and thanks to the hardwood floors, mommy and daddy had a minor heart attack, but she did great! :)

  2. So cute! New walkers have the best look-at-me-I'm-walking faces! And the walk? I so miss those lift-the-knees and tight-rope-arms walk! Enjoy these moments, for they pass too soon...

    1. I love that proud/scared/amazed look! I can't believe the little mile stones that have already come and gone! It does happen in a blink of an eye!


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