Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Week In Pictures

Yeah...I'm sorry...again.

It's been 10 days since I've written (or read) many posts lately.  I'm totally going against my resolution of wanting to blog more...BUT in the meantime I AM concentrating more on advertising my Scentsy business, getting Annaliese to more play dates outside of our home, and working out!

So, I've been busy, but it's been good :)

In no particular order, I'd like to share with you my week in photos!

Taking care of business :) *by the way, these are 10% off through Jan 31, if you're interested*
I was asked to be in a wedding of a friend from high school and this is what our bridesmaids dress will look like, all in shades of purple (minus the sweetheart neckline)

Annaliese had a little music lesson from Uncle Alex when he came over for dinner

(left) I got from my across-the-world-friend, Maureen. (right) I found on Instagram and had to share! (By the way, this is indication that I've been working out) -hehe

We Skyped with my dad and Jackie aka Papou and Nana
Annaliese cannot get enough of this Little People Princess Castle!  I'll admit, I love it too!  #jealous

We found our belly button and have been obsessed ever since!

We had 2 play dates with our friends Nicole and Norah

This is my awesome "to go" cup from my BFF that I've been using when I leave the house :)

We even went out to dinner as a family :) (mommy not pictured) ;)

It's been busy lately, but life wouldn't be life if it weren't busy!  I'll be back soon!  I have to update you all of Annaliese and her "15 month update post" as well as Justin and I's upcoming date night this Saturday!  We'll be celebrating Valentine's Day since it's the only time we have (with a sitter available) to go out together!  I hope you all are doing well and I'll try to catch up on some of your blogs soon!  Much love to you all!


  1. Pretty bridesmaid dresses!
    LOVE that princess castle. My niece has one and I'm totes #jelly too!
    Royce is obsessed with his belly button too....it is hysterical to watch them push it in/stick their finger in it!!
    Enjoy life!! :)

    1. Hehe! She is crazy with her belly button! Like to the point where it's all red/pink from her messing with it so much! I may have to put a band-aid on it to hide it from her! LOL!

  2. Pretty bridesmaid dress! Yay for working out. I could have ran today since it stopped raining but I like to make excuses about it being cold ;). That castle looks fun. Wonder if they have a boy version. Though probably my son would like it for a hot second and go back to his favorite tiny red car. That's seriously his security blanket these days! LOL on finding the belly button. I love Hoops & Yoyo! Can't wait to hear what you do for V day. We should start planning one too!

  3. Hi! Glad to see you guys are doing well!
    I LOVE THE BELLY BUTTON OBSESSION PHASE!! Hahahaa! Amelia is 19 months and I still ask her where her cute lil belly button is! :P


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