Sorry I haven't been participating in link ups, writing any posts or commenting on posts much at all in the last week, because as things around us are coming together, this little family of three is falling apart! (ok, not literally)
After being broken for 6 days, we finally got our washing machine fixed last Thursday! *insert Hallelujah Chorus here* So last Thursday evening and Friday we spent most of the time catching up on laundry. Thursday afternoon Annaliese and I went to go visit Justin at work for his annual company picnic and had fun! It was good food and it gave Justin a chance to show off his little lady to all of his coworkers. Unfortunately though, I think this may have been the reason for the beginning of a cold.
Friday evening was gym night for Justin and I and his brother and brother's wife came over to watch Annaliese for a couple hours. She was fine with them while we were gone, but when we got back, she was showing signs of a cold. (and no I'm not implying they got her sick- HA!) She had a runny nose, very fussy and felt like a low fever. Saturday morning when she woke up...she was full blown cold-ridden ,very congested, but thankfully no fever. I took her to the doctor on Monday because she was only worse and by then had spiked a fever of 101.7. He gave her an antibiotic for a sinus infection and since then she has slowly been getting better. Of course during the week, I caught a fraction of her cold. I wasn't near as bad, just stuffy and tired. It really sucks when your child is sick because you feel so helpless, but it definitely sucks even more when you're sick too and trying to take care of them (oh yeah, and a husband with a migraine and a toothache), and recover yourself. But I put on my Super Mom cape and nursed my family back to health.
Justin and I are also getting things together for Annaliese's birthday bash coming up in a few weeks. We have the food planned (thanks to my dad who is good friends with a guy who owns his own catering business- AND he's Greek too, so we know the food will be delicious!). We just need to figure out what we're doing for cake and maybe a few kids games and we'll be set! I have her personalized shirt, headband and skirt all ready to go! Aunt Jenn is making the cutest shoes to complete her birthday outfit. She is just going to be so darn cute! Tomorrow is 3 weeks till the party! Oh my gosh!!! It's coming so fast!
Have a busy weekend coming up! Tomorrow is Mommy's Day Out! I get to watch my good friend, Jessie, chop off all her hair, we're meeting up with 2 other girlfriends and going out to eat, then we'll probably find ourselves on a local dance floor, like usual. :) Also a good friend of my family's is in town from Chicago and we'll get a chance to visit with her for a little while. Then Monday (which is being included in the weekend plans because Justin has off) we're getting some family pictures taken from an amazing photographer! We have never done this before as a family of three, so I am beyond excited! Anyone that knows me, knows that I love pictures! I have a good Nikon D3100 and I hope to learn the full extent of how to use it someday, but I don't think I want to be a "professional" photographer. As long as I can take good pictures of my family, I'm set. Oh and Monday I am starting my 30 Day Shred program! I'll be documenting, maybe once a week of my progress, so wish me luck and stay tuned! :)
I hope you all have a great weekend and I will meet up with you again soon! It won't be a week from now, I promise.
Smile because Life. Is. Good. :)

What a sweet, precious pic of your little one! So glad you got back on track with the laundry and hope your very full and fun weekend is going well :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Meredith! She's a smiley little one! :) SO much fun at this age! Hope you had a great weekend as well!