Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Week In Pictures

Yeah...I'm sorry...again.

It's been 10 days since I've written (or read) many posts lately.  I'm totally going against my resolution of wanting to blog more...BUT in the meantime I AM concentrating more on advertising my Scentsy business, getting Annaliese to more play dates outside of our home, and working out!

So, I've been busy, but it's been good :)

In no particular order, I'd like to share with you my week in photos!

Taking care of business :) *by the way, these are 10% off through Jan 31, if you're interested*
I was asked to be in a wedding of a friend from high school and this is what our bridesmaids dress will look like, all in shades of purple (minus the sweetheart neckline)

Annaliese had a little music lesson from Uncle Alex when he came over for dinner

(left) I got from my across-the-world-friend, Maureen. (right) I found on Instagram and had to share! (By the way, this is indication that I've been working out) -hehe

We Skyped with my dad and Jackie aka Papou and Nana
Annaliese cannot get enough of this Little People Princess Castle!  I'll admit, I love it too!  #jealous

We found our belly button and have been obsessed ever since!

We had 2 play dates with our friends Nicole and Norah

This is my awesome "to go" cup from my BFF that I've been using when I leave the house :)

We even went out to dinner as a family :) (mommy not pictured) ;)

It's been busy lately, but life wouldn't be life if it weren't busy!  I'll be back soon!  I have to update you all of Annaliese and her "15 month update post" as well as Justin and I's upcoming date night this Saturday!  We'll be celebrating Valentine's Day since it's the only time we have (with a sitter available) to go out together!  I hope you all are doing well and I'll try to catch up on some of your blogs soon!  Much love to you all!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

First Haircut

A week ago, (yes I'm a little behind) Annaliese had her first haircut!

A friend of mine, Maria, that I went to school with has been a hair dresser for 11 years and I asked her to come to our house one Friday while Justin was on a lunch break, so that Annaliese could be in the comfort of our home and make it a pleasant experience.  Well it worked!

She was all smiles!  Maria was so good with Annaliese!  The only part she was unsure of was the spraying of water to wet her hair.

 After about 5 minutes in the hot seat...

We were done and left with bits of hair to keep as a memento.

So the next day, after she was showered and dressed, I was able to do her hair...and not have all of her hair on top of her head and not have all of her hair in her eyes!  Ah!  There's my pretty girl :)

She digs her haircut!  (And being able to see again)

Monday, January 7, 2013

My 2013 Resolutions

Resolution  [rez-uh-loo-shuh n]  noun
Definition:  determination, strong will

Many people don't participate in making New Years resolutions for themselves.  A lot of people don't want to "waste their time" making a list of something they feel that they probably won't commit to.  That's understandable.

I used to be one of those people.  I would make a list of things I wanted to do within the new year and would stick with it for maybe 2 months tops and then start slacking.  It's a shame really.  I've disappointed myself too many times doing it this way.  But this year...I feel more headstrong and feel that with a little help and support from my family and friends, I WILL accomplish my goals and will have a bigger smile on my face come December 31, 2013 than I have in previous years on that date.

So without further ado, here is my list of goals for 2013.

Write it down.  I have depended so much on electronics for things within the last 2 years of not being in the working field.  This is not a bad thing, but for me, I noticed it was.  When I worked I used to have sticky notes all over the place in my office, of "to do lists" or goals, or reminders.  Same with being at home.  I would write lists of chores, or meals, or "to-dos".  Since I've gotten away from having an organized office space, I've used my lap top and phone more for things like that and I have realized that if I don't have the list in front of me, it doesn't get done.  If I have to search for it in my phone or app or laptop then it will get overlooked more than looked at and will get pushed to the back burner.  This year I will be physically writing down my work outs, my Scentsy meetings, my chores, my grocery lists, etc.  And to do this, I have purchased my first Erin Condren Life Planner!  I have seen so many people use these and speak so highly of them, so I thought I'd give it a try!  I'm already in love!  Plus it was a nice gift to myself for beginning my own business :)

Isn't it pretty? :)

Believe in myself.  There's a particular reason that I've learned and it is why I haven't done well at following through with things.  That is fear of failure.  If/When I quit, I don't give myself the opportunity to fail.  I don't have to make myself deal with the disappointment.  I think the path that I am on is a good one and it's making me realize more and more how to believe in myself and when I actually do, I'm usually rewarded.  I am also learning how to deal with disappointment because nothing is perfect and nothing will ever go 100% as planned.

Stick to fitness.  Using my first resolution mentioned above, physically write down a weekly workout plan and stick to it.  I can't drink coffee without a lot of cream and a lot of sugar, so my goal is to stick to hot herbal teas with honey.  Drink more water.  Eat less junk.  Sometimes I think that maybe I don't want it bad enough to keep starting and stopping, but I really do.  Motivation is key and it needs to happen every day, not just every now and then.  I'm working on that!  I am running a 5K race in 131 days after all.  I have to be ready for it!  Plus I seemed to have gained my baby weight back.  :(  Damn you holiday treats!

Get it together.  Organization is key.  Over the years, I have somehow become more and more disorganized and I have realized that it has caused me much unnecessary stress.  Hopefully in the Spring or Summer of this year we will be in a different house and can better organize our things since we won't be relying on a usually flooded, spider dungeon basement to store our things.  Also when we are able to, we will be getting rid of A LOT of things that we don't need or use and this will help!

Stick to blogging.  I love that I have picked up blogging a LOT in the last 12 months and I want to continue to do that.  My goal is to publish 2-3 posts a week every week.  Along with writing more often, I hope to finally come up with a new redesign and finally feel comfortable in my blogging skin.  Not that I don't feel comfortable now, I just feel different from what I started out with.  I'll just be "Cassie" instead of a mommy blog "Mama Cassie".  Not that I mind being a "mommy blog", but I'm more than just a mother.  :)

Be in photographs.  I have thousands upon thousands of pictures that I take and there aren't really many of them that I am in.  I also would like to have more pictures of Justin, Annaliese and I as a family of three.  We don't have many, other than "specific occasions  that we have a picture of us three in.  It's been almost 15 months.  This should stop.

Read a book (or 12).  I am giving myself a challenge of reading a book a month for the year.  And no, a 10 page Dr. Seuss book doesn't count here.  I do love to read books and blogs too, of course, but lately I have only been reading blogs and have put my books on the back burner.  I think I can.  I think I can.

More of me.  Concentrating on my new business, going to the gym, doing crafts, reading books, baking (healthy) goodies...these are all things that I love doing that I haven't given myself time for lately.  It's very challenging to find a balance of family, marriage, and personal time, but I know it can be done and it can be done in a healthy way.  Balance is also key.

More "us" time.  By the time the toddler is in bed and asleep, most nights the husband and I are too tired to even look at each other, let alone cuddle and watch a movie.  I miss spending time along with my husband, ya know?  He's still my world and my best friend and I want to spend more nights alone with him.  I think we need to arrange at least one night a month where we find a sitter and go have dinner out together.  We need time to ourselves on a more consistent schedule.

All in all these are things that I want to put my everything into trying for this year.  All I have to do is believe I can and I will.  Here's to believing!

CHEERS 2013!

Do you have any New Year resolutions?  If so, what are they and how do you plan to stick with them?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Countdown to Dancin' 30!

I must be crazy!

Who the heck counts down to their 30th birthday with joy?


In regards to any other decade mile marker...talk to me in 10 years.

But yes, 2013 has just begun and I am already counting down the days until April 4!

88 days!

A decade went by in the blink of an eye!  It's so strange to me how that happens.
My 20's have been great to me for the most part.  Early 20's (from what I remember) were fun.  I bought my first brand new car at age 22.  I met Justin when I was 23.  Even though that sounds so crazy and young to say, I knew I had found the man I was going to marry.  Then at age 25, after 2 1/2 years of dating, I got engaged.  After 1 1/2 years of planning, at age 27, I got married.  Five months later I got pregnant and at age 28, I became a mommy.  Here I am, a wife at age 29 with a 1 year old daughter.

For my 30th birthday, I want to have a big party!  Providing it's not in God's plan for us to get pregnant before hand, most likely on Saturday April 6th my closest friends and some family will get together to help welcome me into my 30's!

I would love nothing more to have a 1980's party!  80's music, neon colored wind pants, big bangs with a side pony tail, leg warmers, posters of old TV shows...the whole 9 yards!  I told Justin that if this doesn't happen with others planning it, I will plan it myself :)  Either way...it's gonna happen :)

Anyone who knows me, KNOWS that I LOVE to dance!  It's not a secret!  Where there's an open floor, I'm there!  Doesn't even have to include music!  I'm there!  Snapping my fingers and shuffling my feet ... singing do-i-ditty ditty-dum-ditty-do.  hehe!

I know that 100 times over I was blessed all 10 years of my 20's and I know for a fact that my 30's will be just as good to me.  This year is a new start to a new decade and a newER life full of endurance, determination and accomplishment!  I am ready for 2013!

Bring it on and let the countdown to 30 continue!  :)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Super Secret Christmas Project 2012

Hello and Happy Friday! :)  First Friday of 2013!  Whoo hoo!

Now that all of the intended recipients have received their handmade Christmas gift from Annaliese, we can finally share with you what they were!  :)

While browsing Pinterest, I came across 2 fun and easy ideas to give as Christmas gifts from Annaliese.

First : A "Hand"-made ornament.

1/2 cup of all purpose white flour
1/2 cup of salt
Approximately 1/4 cup of cold water (I had to add a tiny bit more, but didn't measure)

Mix it and knead it with your hands and presto!  You have dough!

Roll it flat to about 1/4'-1/2' thick, get a hand imprint, then cut out the hand leaving about 1/4' around.

*If you're making them into hanging ornaments, make sure you make a hole for the ribbon before baking them.

Bake at 200 degrees for 4 hours.

Justin and I got creative and each made an ornament for Annaliese too 

Here's the finished product, after some acrylic paint, a sharpie and some ribbon!

We loved how they turned out and the family loved receiving them!  We are thinking of doing one every year and having them hanging in chronological order on our wall at Christmas time, but we'll see if that actually happens :)

Second : just for the grandparents, we bought some pre-stretched  canvas frames from Michaels and took Annaliese's foot prints and made them into pictures.  (Also inspired by Pinterest)

We're very pleased with how these turned out and Justin and I (and Annaliese too) really enjoyed making these for our family.  It was really inexpensive, very simple, very fun and most importantly, very treasured because handmade gifts from young ones are the best.  :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year- New Title: Work At Home Mom


With this being my first post of 2013, I have some exciting news to fill you in on!  (Not so new if you already follow me on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram)

I am pleased and very excited to announce that after thinking long and hard about going into the Independent Consultant business, I am now an Independent Scentsy Consultant!  Check out my shiny new consultant logo to your right!  Click on it and it will take you to my official business website!  (thanks hubby!)


Scentsy Fragrance offers a variety of home and personal fragrance products, including scented wickless candles and decorative ceramic warmers, which together provide a safer alternative to burning wicked candles.
If you remember correctly, I had posted here a few weeks ago about possibly going this route for a little extra income for our family.

So you ask why did I choose to go with Scentsy and becoming an independent consultant?

1)  I love Scentsy products!  I believe in their products.  I'm excited to represent their products.  If there's one thing I know about being in sales is you have to believe in what you're trying to sell and how they outweigh their competitors.  Done!

2)  I get to meet new people along the way!  Although I tend to be a shy person in some aspects, I am still a social person and love meeting new people!  You never know who you might come across.  They might become a good friend to you!

3)  I get to make my own hours!  I can set my own schedule!  I can't tell you how excited I am about this part!  Being a stay at home mom and having the desire to continue to be a stay at home mom, this is very important to me.

4)  I can feel better by contributing financially to our family again and by doing something I love and am passionate about!  I think this will help me in so many ways!

5)  I can be creative and market my business!  I can also do my own promotions and games to get some more clientele!  This is exciting!  Pinterest, here I come!

6)  I can make money!  I can earn all inclusive paid for vacations!  I can set goals for myself and strive for them!  Being out of the working field for over 2 years, I lost track of many things that I didn't think I would miss.  One of which was making financial goals for myself.  I'm back on it and it feels great!

I am very, very excited to announce my business to all of you and I hope that you will support me in my decision!  No, I don't mean ordering from me (although that would be really nice if you wanted to)...I just mean praying for me and believing in me.  That's all I can really ask for.
So THANK YOU in advance for your support!  I really appreciate it!

So now to get to the fun stuff!
Check out my business website : https://treatyournose.scentsy.us/Scentsy/Home

Also check out my Facebook business page and "LIKE" it while you're there:  http://www.facebook.com/TreatYourNose  This is where I'll be announcing specials and promotions!  So if you're ready to treat your nose, let me know! :)

Your Independent Scentsy Consultant,

Share the love!

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